SUPERNATURAL Natural Wines & Wild Beers


A curated mix of great wines, eclectic flavors, and laid-back energy—sourced from more than 20 artisanal producers across Greece’s independent farms and craft breweries.
Unfiltered, full of character and always flowing.

Natural Wines. Wild Beers.
Nothing added, nothing taken away.

Okupa x Eklektikon. Noon till late.

Artisanal Wineries & Breweries Participating:
Garalis Winery | Freris Wines | Siflogo | Pontiglio | Stilianou | Halkia Winery | Dimakopoulos Organic Wines | Edanos | Kontozisis Organic Vineyards | Papras Bio Wines | Voi Vignes | Mitzifiris | Doric Wines | Vaimaki Family | Oenogenesis | Kamara Pure Wines | De Crispi | Kykao

Music Schedule
• 14:00 – 17:00 – Live Jazz Band
• 17:00 onwards – Listening Session by Fog